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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
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Check out this profile view: no indication of the problem of great excess width in the tip of the nose, even in the before photo.

This is why, when you see rhinoplasty before and after pictures in a magazine article, on the Web, or in a doctor's office, the photos will so often be like these: a direct profile shot of a nose that is already short enough, not too projecting, and all it needed was removal of a small hump.

Most plastic surgeons can get those changes right once in a while.  If you have a unique problem with the tip of your nose, you need to see photos showing correction of that type of problem in order to evaluate the plastic surgeon you are interviewing.

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Questioner: What procedures will I need to go through To correct this. Will I need a septoplasty and rhinoplasty?
Here is a better picture of my nose..I do have a couple of doctors that I am highly interested in. Theyre facial plastic surgeon & board certified. As you can see My bulbous droopy tip, crooked nose, & a bump That this nose is not for me. I am wanting a more feminine face. i wished my nose was smaller but not too small.. just something that will Fit my face. i am just so insecure with my face bc of my nose...i am around people everyday & i just deal with it. I almost want a nose like jen selter.
(Questioner submitted photos)

Dr. Denenberg's answer: Your nose requires some advanced techniques
It seems to me that your nose would benefit from a significant "deprojection." That means bringing the entire nose back closer to your face. Look at the simulated modification that I made in the video link. Ignoring the hump for the moment, you can see that the tip of your nose moved significantly closer to your face. Then, the hump was also taken down.

You have a little bit of what we call "tethering" of the upper lip. That's when the upper lip pulls forward, right where it meets the bottom of the nose. If the tip of the nose is successfully deprojected, the tethering tends to lessen, or go away.

Making a predictable deprojection of the nose is not something that every plastic surgeon can accomplish, so be sure to see photos of the doctor's other patients who had impressive deprojections, before deciding on a surgeon.

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