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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
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We can tell that the tip of this nose is wide because of how it stands off from the rest of the profile in the before picture.  The after picture shows a less abrupt transition from the bridge of the nose to the tip.

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"I flew all the way from South Africa
to Omaha for my rhinoplasty. "
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current: Right oblique

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Questioner: I'm 19 yrs old and I broken my nose. What Type of Rhinoplasty Procedure Would You Recommend for This Nose?
Hi there, I've been thinking about having rhinoplasty for a while now and I thought this site is a good place to start. To begin, I've broken my nose when I was 11 (19 now) and it was kinda crooked at a particular side angle. By looking at these pictures, what kind of rhinoplasty procedure would you feel is best to fix my nose. I'm looking for a professional opinion. Thanks.

(Questioner submitted photos)

Dr. Denenberg's answer: Your rhinoplasty requires expert work on the tip, besides the hump removal
You have a hump that can be reduced. In addition, the size of the hump disguises some other large features of your nose: your nose is strong in its forward projection from the face, and it is long, too, with the tip low. I made some morphs for you at the web reference link, to show changing all of those features. If only the hump is removed, your nose will almost certainly look too big to you. You need to select a surgeon who can show you that he knows how to deproject and shorten a nose, changes that are much more complicated than simply removing a hump.
Other problems resulting from the previous trauma can be addressed at the same time as the rhinoplasty.

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