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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
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Michael Jacob Denenberg

This baby is named after two people who are important in our lives. His first name, Michael, is after Bernie Magid's father Max. Max's Hebrew name was Michal.

Max Magid was an immigrant from Russia. He made the bold move came to this country when he was a young man. Though he was a quiet, introspective man, he continued to show his strength as a man who consistently stood up for his beliefs. He was a good father to his sons Bernie and Stanley. He was a hard worker and a good provider to his family. He was a patient and kind grandfather to his eight grandchildren. These are qualities we would love for Michael to have.

The baby's second name, Ya'akov (in English: Jacob), is after Steve's cousin Jerry Belzer. Jerry was the son of Oscar Belzer, for whom our first son Daniel Oscar is named. 

Jerry was like a brother to Steve's mother Eunice, because she was raised in Jerry's home after her father died. Norman once said that Jerry was one of the smartest men he had ever met. Jerry was a pathologist, well known in his field. The UCLA medical school established a chair in his name, and the first chair holder was UCLA's first Nobel laureate. Jerry studied Talmud regularly. He knew more about Mozart than most music professionals. These are also qualities that we want for Michael.

Here is some minor gematria about Michael Ya'akov, having to do with the number two. Bernie's father was Yicha'el Michal, so our son got Max's second name. Jerry Belzer was Yona Ya'akov, so Michael got Jerry's second name. And our Michael is the second son of a second son of a second son.