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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
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Daniel Oscar Denenberg

Daniel Oscar

Daniel Denenberg was Norman's youngest brother. He was exciting, curious, opinionated (but with all the right values), fun, a renaissance man, and a family man. He was the youngest in an incredible family of eight, so not only did he receive what his mother Fannie gave him, and what his father David Aaron was able to give him in D.A.'s brief time on Earth, Danny benefited from the accumulated wisdom, manners, and ideas of seven older siblings.

Oscar Belzer was the brother of Eunice's mother, an immigrant, a Jewish scholar, a wise man. Oscar lived through more than most of us can imagine, and he came through with a total devotion to his family and his religion. And to his medical career, too. Oscar gave special contributions to our nuclear family, having helped to raise Steve's mother. Steve and I are also happy that I had the chance to spend a couple of months living with and learning from Oscar's wife, Aunt Ruth, another phenomenal member of the family.

If our Daniel turns out like his parents, he'll probably be, externally, like the other Daniel: up to his elbows in everything. The Oscar in him will be the rock, the anchor, the scholar. Daniel Oscar will get to choose his own proportions and priorities, but we hope that, in giving him these names, we have salted him with the right ingredients.

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