wasperformed FacialSurgery.com
Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
Dr. Denenberg's articles on Medium.com.

Michael Jacob Denenberg, born June 25, 2004.
Mom and baby are healthy.  Dad is rattled.

Tippi's brother Tucker, sister-in-law Cindy, their kids Kiki, Halle, Tanner.

Tippi's brother Tony:

Dad is rattled because the doctor didn't make it to the delivery, so our doula, Rachel Porter, performed the delivery, with the cord around the baby's neck, Tippi standing on the floor, no nurses, and only daddy assisting. 

Here's a picture of Tippi and Rachel from Danny's labor:

Looong feet:

Tippi's mom Carolyn lends a hand:

Two of the proud grandparents, Norman and Eunice, a little fuzzy after watching a long labor:

The dad-can't-keep-his-lips-off-the-baby sequence:

Does this look like she just delivered a baby?!

But previously: Why oh why didn't I get the epidural?

Our friend Shami:

I've been a cousin, but now I'm a big brother: Danny in the middle, 18 months old on July 4, 2004.

Grandpa, Tippi's dad Bernie, Danny, and Michael:

Danny and his cousin Kiki:

Michael with his bear:

And with his cousin Halle:

Danny, the older brother, still gets yogurt on his face:

Extreme smile:

Longitudinal shot of Michael:

We still love Danny, too!